About Farrokhi

Welcome to a Fabulous World

In touching and seeing jewelry, we learn the beauty of the world.


Farrokhi in search of wonders

In distant and unknown lands, sources of jewels as hidden treasures await our discovery.

منابع جواهرات فرخی

Discover Secrets

Discovering the type of jewelry is like finding a mystery that, opening it, will take us to a world of brilliance and beauty.


Attention to Detail

In the world of jewelry, artistic precision is like a flag that shows the beauty and value of every sample.

جزئیات در جواهرات فرخی

"In the touch of every gem of jewelry, we read a story of earth and sky, beauty and love."

 - Farrokhi

گردنبند جواهرات فرخی

Distinctive Design

Jewelry design is like a ray of light that shines on their structure and dimensions and turns every sample into a art work.


Exceptional Brilliance

The shine of jewels is like a look from the earth to the sky, every bit of its light enchants our hearts.

گوشواره جواهرات فرخی

Excellence of Solidarity

The artist discovers the connection between each gem and, like an artistic integration, depicts glorious solidarity.

"Starting a fascinating journey into the world of beauty, we invite you to the jewelry gallery to discover the wonders created by our artists."

- Farrokhi


Beyond imagination

The Farrokhi Jewelry Gallery, with its aspirational design and abundant sense, is a place to find what we know as a masterpiece.

گالری جواهرات فرخی
گالری جواهرات فرخی

Farrokhi Jewelry Gallery

Join us and we will reveal the secret of shining necklaces to the glory of rare rings.

the immortality of beauty

At Farrokhi Jewelry Gallery, we will guide you to the perfect piece of jewelry to tell your story.

گالری جواهرات فرخی

Presence in the Gallery

Please contact us to book an appointment to visit the gallery.


گالری جواهرات فرخی

View masterpieces

More unique than ever for you